
A healthy environment is essential to continue our work, which is why we choose sustainable practices and environmentally friendly ways to do it.
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We are a forward-looking incoming travel agency whose mission is to provide our clients with a unique, local experience and to add activities to our local offer. We do this while promoting cultural and environmentally friendly engagement through close links with local suppliers. We consider it our duty to work directly with suppliers, clients and the community at large promoting sustainability through education and preservation of cultural and natural resources in our destinations.


We are devoted to protecting the environment and reducing our negative impacts on nature. We commit ourselves to act in the following way in order to preserve the environment:

  • respect environmental protection legislation,
  • monitor the impacts of our activities on the environment,
  • fulfil the objectives and measures set in the Sustainability policy,
  • educate employees about our Sustainability policy, objectives and actions
  • inform guests and suppliers about our efforts to reduce the negative impacts of our activity on the environment and encourage them to participate and support us,
  • promote sustainable mobility and other environmentally friendly practices among our employees.

We pay special attention to the following areas:


Our company is committed to continually improving its energy performance and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions profile.

To achieve targets, the company will:

  1. Reduce energy demand throughout its operations:

Appliances and electronics — Purchase energy-efficient products and operate them efficiently. Use an advanced power strip to reduce “vampire loads”->electricity that is wasted when electronics are not in use. Lighting -> Purchase energy-efficient products, operate them efficiently, and incorporate more daylighting into our office using energy-efficient windows and skylights. Electric space heating and cooling -> Purchase energy-efficient electric systems and operate them efficiently. Properly insulate and air seal our office.  Electric water heating -> Purchase an energy-efficient electric water heater and operate it efficiently or select an energy-efficient water heater that doesn’t use electricity.

  1. Use energy more efficiently
  2. Source energy supplies from renewable sources
  3. Monitor, measure and report on energy consumption and generation data; and
  4. Promote awareness of the responsibility for energy conservation to all staff, students and contractors.

We rent premises in an office building that has an eco-friendly architecture and drastically reduces the consumption of energy and greenhouse gases with a diligent choice of materials and flawless engineering. Ventilated aluminum facade with thermal insulation, multi-layer glazing, the possibility of opening windows, a central control system for monitoring cooling/heating and district heating further contribute to low operating costs.


At Lep d.o.o. we use water carefully. There are colourful stickers next to both office taps, encouraging our staff to save water.


We strive to reduce the amount of waste produced in the office, especially the amount of plastic. For this purpose, we purchase goods without or little
packaging. Goods are purchased in bulk where possible. We also separate our waste (paper, plastics and packaging, glass), which is then disposed to appropriate city containers and recycled.


Lep d.o.o, is reducing paper consumption by focusing on digital marketing and online communication. Printing of the remaining materials is planned carefully and precisely to avoid residual unused materials. We use certificated recycled paper.


In our company we ensure good working conditions. We respect national and international legislation in the field of labour and human rights. Staff members are provided with regular education and training programs and are aware of company sustainability policies, objectives and measures.


At our company Lep d.o.o. we are aware that by purchasing local goods and services we contribute to the wellbeing of the local community. Our purchasing policy therefore prioritizes local products, as well as environmentally responsible products and products carrying sustainability certificates (fair trade, organic, FSC etc.).


We want to share our passion of Slovenia and knowledge of its nature, history and people with our guests through providing sustainable travel that is profitable to our company and beneficial to local communities and the environment


– Run and support conservation and education projects, and give to and support charities and initiatives in the communities visited

– Run tours to maximise the benefits on the cultural heritage of communities visited and incentivise them to maintain and protect their culture

– Develop the capacity of the host communities to earn a living through tourism by supporting them to be part of a tourism network, understand the industry and get market access


– Keep the money local through (as much as possible) buying locally and staying at family-run guesthouses and hotels.

– Provide income generation activities through hiring, training and encouraging local people to be involved in the delivery of our tours and activities

– Encourage our guests to buy local crafts and services


– Provide high quality, environmentally friendly tours through our leading approach to training our guides to meet international guiding standards

– Raise awareness of the local communities about the importance of protecting the natural assets of Slovenia

– Support and initiate local reforestation and conservation projects


– Advocate for a responsible approach to tourism development


– Provide rewarding work experiences for our young employees

– Personal goals: we continue to support staff in pursuing personal goals

– Flexible Working: we continue to provide a flexible working environment and to date, all staff requests to amend their work patterns have been approved

– Training: 50% contribution towards guide training costs for 2 new guides by 2023


– Improve communication around the responsible aspects of our tours

– Encourage contribution from our guests towards supporting local kids from families in need. Reach 10000€ donation amount by 2024


The Travelife Partner award is a recognition of our commitment towards social and environmental sustainability. We are complying, based on a verified self-assessment to more than 100 criteria related to sustainability management, office operations, working with suppliers and customer communication. We are working towards further improvements aiming to eventually reach the third party audited Travelife Certified stage

Lep d.o.o. team is happy to announce that we are engaged with the Travelife for Tour Operator & Travel Agents scheme. Travelife is an internationally recognized, GSTC-Global Sustainable Tourism Council accredited training, management & certification program in sustainability in tourism. It is a threestage certification program for tour operators and travel agents: (1) Travelife Engaged; (2) Travelife Partner and (3) Travelife Certified. The Travelife Partner award is recognition of our commitment towards social and environmental sustainability. We are striving towards further improvements aiming to eventually comply to the Travelife Certified criteria.

Our sustainability achievements are collected in this Sustainability report.

We offer a selection of diverse, customisable mountain climbing and hiking tours that lead to the best peaks in Triglav National Park, including the symbol of Slovenia itself – Mt. Triglav.
© Copyright by Triglav Tours
Portfolio company of World Discovery.